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Serena Williams (TG battezzata..o no) perde le staffe

Ultimo Aggiornamento: 19/09/2009 14:15
14/09/2009 12:42
Scheda Utente
Post: 5
Registrato il: 04/09/2009
Utente Junior
Mi sono informato sulla Williams e ho appena trovato questa intervista, tutta da verificare. E' inglese. Verso la fine dell'intervista parla del suo essere tdg.


Riporto qualche stralcio
Q. You've said before that you don't vote, you're not political. You don't want to participate in the political process because of religious belief, I'm guessing. Talk about how that mixes with the excitement of Obama, who obviously won a political race to become President.
SERENA WILLIAMS: I didn't vote because I am a Jehovah's Witness. I try to stay politically neutral, don't get involved in worldly matters.
Q. Back to being a Jehovah's Witness, do you do any door knocking and preaching?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Yeah, that's part of being a Witness, going door to door. I do a lot of what they call informal witnessing. I'm actually trying to do a lot of door to door witnessing.

Ma l'essere tdg non è in contraddizione con quanto dice poco prima nell'intervista?
Q. Are you superstitious at all? Do you think there's anything to the odd year theory of you winning here?
SERENA WILLIAMS: I am superstitious. But is there anything to the odd theory? No. One year I wasn't able to come back and defend my title. One year I went crazy. A couple years I went completely crazy. So hopefully I'll be able to stay focused this year.

Poi vi pongo una questione che è certamente la più importante: può una che si chiama Serena perdere le staffe?

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